Data provided by NORSAR

Date: 2023-07-02 10:56:45

NORSAR's Event Warning System (NEWS)

Event     228070 South of Kermadec Islands
   Date       Time        Err   RMS Latitude Longitude  Smaj  Smin  Az Depth   Err Ndef Nsta Gap  mdist  Mdist Qual   Author      OrigID
2023/07/02 10:26:50.03   8.75  0.41 -32.0198 -174.9113 988.7 563.0   5   9.0f        12    5 330 133.48 155.98        NEWS        228070
 (Depth fixed at 1/2 of CRUST 1.0 Moho depth)
 (Confidence level of given uncertainties:  95.00 %)
 (Station corrections were available for    5 station(s) as defined in /bull/auto/dpep/ALERT/data/stations.cor)
 (Reference model   : ak135_A)

Magnitude  Err Nsta Author      OrigID
   mb  6.1 0.3    6       V-C   228070

Sta     Dist  EvAz Phase        Time      TRes  Azim AzRes   Slow   SRes Def   SNR       Amp   Per Qual Magnitude    ArrID
SPITS 133.48 356.8 PKPdf    10:46:05.150  -0.5 104.9  91.7   4.69    2.8 T__ 136.4      67.6  0.67 __e    mb  6.2    97064
SPITS 133.48 356.8 (pPKPdf) 10:46:08.138  -0.6 116.6 103.4   7.13    5.2 ___ 137.7      37.4  0.48 __e    mb  6.0    97196
ARCES 140.71 348.8 PKPdf    10:46:19.125  -0.0  40.7  12.8   2.07    0.3 TAS 127.4     160.4  0.80 __e    mb  6.4    97084
ARCES 140.71 348.8 (PKPdf)  10:46:19.650   0.5  30.0   2.1   2.08    0.3 ___  20.2      92.9  0.71 __e    mb  6.3    97085
ARCES 140.71 348.8 (pPKPdf) 10:46:22.250  -0.0  20.3  -7.6   2.06    0.2 ___  12.3      59.5  0.56 __e    mb  6.2    97087
FINES 147.55 341.3 PKPdf    10:46:32.000   0.7  74.9  40.3   3.24    1.6 T_S  28.5      67.8  0.70 __e    mb  5.4    97108
NB2   150.69 353.9 PKPbc    10:46:41.800  -0.1  28.6  17.9   2.68    0.3 TAS  34.8    2044.5  5.88 __e              296255
EKA   155.98  11.6 (PKPdf)  10:46:44.075  -0.1 335.7  -6.9   2.58    1.3 ___  33.8                 __e              364230
EKA   155.98  11.6 PKPdf    10:46:44.075  -0.1 329.4 -13.2   2.79    1.5 TAS  34.7                 __e              364225
EKA   155.98  11.6 (PKPdf)  10:46:44.450   0.3 331.5 -11.1   2.88    1.6 ___  35.5                 __e              364235
EKA   155.98  11.6 (pPKPdf) 10:46:47.125  -0.1 329.2 -13.4   2.65    1.3 ___  40.5                 __e              364240
EKA   155.98  11.6 (sPKPdf) 10:46:50.475   2.2 309.4 -33.2   1.93    0.6 ___  14.4                 __e              364245

Sun 2 Jul 2023, 10:56:43 (UTC)